Friday, July 5, 2013

Elliott Nathaniel Testerman- Behind the Scenes

On Tuesday June 11th, at 38 weeks and 3 days, I went to a work meeting and on my way to my office; I stopped at a Rite Aid to check my blood pressure. I had had a headache the night before and was feeling a little weird, like my blood pressure might be high. The first reading was 146/86. My doctor had said if I had a headache and a high blood pressure reading, I should go ahead to labor and delivery. I knew the machine could be very inaccurate, especially because the cuff was too small, but the hospital was on my way to the office, so I went ahead and decided to pop in. I thought it would be a quick trip—they would just check my blood pressure and urine, and I would be back to work in an hour, hour and a half at most. Well, that’s not how it happened!

They hooked me up to the monitors – apparently I was having contractions and didn’t know it. They kept the blood pressure cuff on measuring my BP every 30 minutes, had me eat and gave me Tylenol. Honestly, I didn’t have a headache when I walked in the doors, although I told them I did. I did actually get a headache while I was there and it never completely went away. My blood pressure was totally normal and there was no protein in my urine. So I could go, right???? Nope! They decided to draw blood and run some labs. It felt like it took them forever to do the blood draw and get the results back. Just when I thought I was going to go home – about 4 hours after I got there, the midwife came in to tell me that my liver enzyme levels were high. They consulted with the MFM and decided that I would come back on Thursday to have them re-checked. They said I didn’t need to go to my regular OB appointment, so I asked the Dr. if she could do a cervix check since I wouldn’t be seeing my OB. She went ahead and amused me and I was still 2cm, 60% effaced which was the same as the previous week and after my OB had done some membrane stripping. I pretty much thought I would be going home and resuming life as normal until baby decided he was ready to come out. The only difference is that the Dr. recommended that I stop working, even though I had planned to finish out the week. So I agreed and was suddenly off work for 4 months!

 I did a little research on elevated liver enzymes that night on Dr. Google and found 3 possible causes. 1)Cholestasis of pregnancy, which is accompanied by itching. I had some itching, but had attributed it to Jeff cutting the weeds and grass outside. I had mentioned it at the hospital and the Dr. said my itching did not present in the right way for this. The other two possibilities were Pre-eclampsia and HELLP Syndrome. Both usually have other indicators, such as elevated blood pressure and high platelets, which I did not have. All three conditions generally just meant delivery the baby as soon as possible if already full term and then the issues would be resolved.

Two days later, on Thursday, I showered and headed to Labor and Delivery in the morning so I didn’t have to waste my whole day. I arrived around 10:00am. Again, they hooked me up to the monitors and drew my blood. As always, they had difficulty finding a vein and had to use my hand. The midwife was the same as Tuesday and she had said she had dreamt about me at night and hoped to see me today. She basically said that it looked like I would be staying if my liver enzymes were still elevated. When my labs came back the Dr. and midwife came in to tell me that my liver enzymes were still high. The plan was to admit me right away and induce me. The midwife did an ultrasound to ensure that there was enough fluid and then did a cervical check and some very serious membrane stripping. That time it was actually uncomfortable which was a first! Then I was admitted to the hospital and moved to a very large room. I called my mom and husband to let them know the plan. While they were on their way, I got settled and they began hooking me up to an IV (which was ridiculously hard for them…). Around 2pm I received a Cytotec pill which they used as a first attempt to induce me.

The next several hours were pretty uneventful. I was having contractions every 1-3 minutes, but to me, they were not painful. I barely noticed them at first and often confused them with the baby moving. As time went on, they became more forceful, but I still described them as uncomfortable, not painful. At 7pm, my regular OB arrived, which was a surprise! She did a check and I was 2.5 cm and 80% effaced. My OB was again surprised that the cervix check didn’t bother me. I started to realize I might have a very high tolerance to pain! My dad and little sister came to visit that evening. I took many trips to the bathroom with my IV and bounced on the ball because the bed was so uncomfortable and my tailbone hurt. At 9pm, my contractions were still 1-3 minutes apart and the doctor was going to break my water at around 10 or 11 and start pitocin if I wasn’t progressed any further. I asked to take a walk, since it would be my last chance probably. Mom and I took a half hour walk around the rotunda and I felt each contraction every minute and a half, but could still walk and talk through them.

 At 11pm, I wasn’t quite 3 cm, so the Dr. broke my water. They did not start the pitocin because my contractions were too close together and they felt it would cause distress for the baby. Finally after my water was broken, the contractions started getting stronger. By 1am, I was ready for the epidural. I could get through the contractions okay, but they were so often that I never had any time to recover it seemed like. They started the IV and I waited for the anesthesiologist. At 2am on Friday the 14th, after what it seemed like I waited for ever, the anesthesiologist came for the epidural. I was shaking like crazy, which tends to happen when I get a full bag of fluids. Unfortunately, this reminded me of the last time I received a bag of fluids and anesthesia (when I had the D&E for our angel baby). The epidural went fine, although the Dr. had a little trouble since my cartilage was tough and I have slight scoliosis. The epidural was much stronger on the left side and I was able to move my right side a bit. At this time they also put in a catheter for me (hooray, I loved not having to go to the bathroom anymore!) and started the pitocin. My regular OB came and checked on me at 3am and went ahead and inserted an internal monitor on the baby to see if that would help with some progress. Then I started to get some sleep!

 At 7am, Dr. DeLeon came on shift. I had made it to 5.5 cm, although he did not think the head was as far down as my OB had and thought it was just the “cone” that was further down. They drew labs again to check my liver enzymes and ended up starting me on Magnesium to ensure that I would not have a seizure. By this point, it appeared that they thought I had atypical HELLP syndrome and wanted to avoid me having a seizure. I could not believe that I had come in two days earlier on just a “hunch” or “Maternal Instinct” as I really had no reason to get checked out. I had just felt like something wasn’t right –and thank goodness I followed my instinct! Without intervention, the chances of death with HELLP is 25%. Wow!

 At 10am, I was still stuck around 5cm. The plan was to check in 2 hours and do a c-section if there was no progress. The magnesium made me incredibly hot and sweaty and drowsy so I slept most of the time. My nurse, Frankie, was incredible at moving my body for me and she would switch my position every two hours, from one side to the next. I wasn’t allowed to be on my back as the baby responded negatively to that. At 12:50pm, I had progressed to almost 7cm, so I was allowed to keep going. I don’t remember a whole lot about this time anymore since I was so out of it from the magnesium. Mom and Jeff had to use the mini fan with the spray bottle on me non-stop and I laid with a wash cloth over my face a lot too. Unfortunately at 3:30pm, the Dr came in with bad news. I was still at 7cm and they had done another blood draw that showed my liver enzymes were elevated even more. In addition, my white blood cell count went up, which indicated an oncoming infection. My urine was incredibly dark; the color of iced tea, so the Dr. stated he thought the best decision was to have a c-section. My body was shutting down and I might be developing a kidney infection. The baby was still doing perfect – every single professional who had come into the room over the past 2 days commented on how great his activity was – but I was not doing so well. I immediately said okay to the c-section.

 The team worked very quickly prepping me for the c-section. I was able to help move myself from bed to bed and Jeff put on his special suit. I was wheeled into the surgical room and the anesthesiologist started the anesthesia. Unfortunately, it made me nose all stuffed up and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. It was almost like I was having a panic attack because I really thought I wouldn’t be able to get enough air. The anesthesiologist humored me and put the oxygen blo-bi mask on me. I also got nauseous and had to throw up just a little. Dr. DeLeon started the surgery and it seemed like just 5 minutes later, baby was out. It was 4:30pm exactly. I immediately cried and no longer was terrified about being able to breathe. I think they called out “he’s bald.” Jeff took pictures and a little bit later they shouted out that he was 9lbs 7oz, 20.75 inches and had blonde hair after all. He was wrapped up and then placed by my head so I could see him and talk to him. I remember talking to him and saying “he knows my voice.” He looked absolutely perfect. I could not get over his color. It turns out he got a 9 and a 10 on his Apgar scores. Hardly any baby gets a 10! I was so proud. Dr. De Leon was still finishing up and it seemed like it was taking a while and was not an easy job – I heard a snippet of the conversation and it seemed like it was “messy.” But we chatted about Peruvian food – Lomo Saltado and when he finished, he said “Nailed it!” like Sean Spencer in Psych. This relieved some of my anxiety.

 I was wheeled into the recovery room where baby Elliott was. He looked soooo healthy! They did his glucose check because his weight was so high, but his sugar was actually low (not diabetic). The put him on my chest and he rooted toward the left side and breast fed for 49 minutes. How incredible! They checked his sugars again and they were perfect in the 50 range. They took our picture and did his footprints and a lot of other things that I barely remember. My blood pressure was fine and it looked like I wouldn’t have any lingering problems. What a moment – I was holding a perfect baby finally-- after a very long road of 3 pregnancies (one miscarriage, one fatal birth defect,  and nearly nearly 13 consecutive months of being pregnant) – and I was basking in the glory! I couldn't love my boy any more :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 162-- MY EYE!!

I haven't been over-the-top klutzy lately, which is amazing. Just my normal tripping and falling and spilling on myself. However, during a recent shower I had one of those moments. I went to get conditioner out of my handy Costco pump container. You know how sometimes the conditioner from the previous usage dries and forms a little clot? Well that must have happened big time because the conditioner did not shoot down into my hand. It did not shoot striaght forward, but it shot at a 45 degree angle across my face, passed my left eye and straight into my right eye. Ow, MY EYE! It hurt to say the least. And although my eye was all soft and conditioned, it took quite awhile to get the stuff out using water and a towel.

Looks like I'm back!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 62 - Coffee and Coughing

Today I was drinking my morning coffee while driving to work. At some point, I started coughing. Not sure what caused it ...a tickle in my throat or going down the wrong pipe maybe. But now matter how hard I tried to avoid it, I could not keep from spitting the coffee all over my car. Of course it had to be less than a week after I had my car detailed. When I tell the story, the consensus is, "Only you Melissa, only you..."

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 49- A day at the Office

How do you almost maim yourself with a work badge, a desk drawer and a drawer key?

The answer is...SIMPLE - if you are me.

I keep my badge in a badge holder that has a long string. I wear it around my neck. Attached to my badge is a keychain with a light and the key to my desk drawers.

I lean down to to unlock my drawers. I pull a folder out of the bottom folder and look at it with my coworkers. We laugh, do some fist pumps, etc and then I put the folder away and shut the drawer. Then I turn to face my computer.

Oh wait...I never took the key out of the drawer and it still attached to me. When I turn I almost snap my neck! Thankfully the key broke off of the keychain and I got to live.

Thankfully it didn't hurt too bad so I started cracking up. Everyone looked at me in horror for awhile making sure I was really okay and with no internal bleeding.

Just a day in the life at work for me!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 32 - The Mail

This is what generally happens when I open the mail...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 30 - Freezer Burn

Did you know that you can really get burned by the freezer? No, I didn't get a burn from something in the freezer being too cold, but honestly, too hot. Something to do with the ice maker. Ugh. Only I could be burnt by the freezer.

And only I can be burnt by a hot pan even though I ATTEMPTED to use a pot holder. That was earlier this week.

And only I would have a special masseuse today. The power went out and Anna said, "Oh no, what should I do? I know where your back is because I'm touching it right now...but the rest? I don't know!" Don't you think a massage therapist should be pretty familiar with where body parts are? Apparently she was the only one who asked her client to reschedule...the rest just kept on going. Hope they didn't find a finger sticking out of an ankle or anything...

Day 28 - Ball vs. Chair

I am a county social worker, so my job is especially stressful. We've started a trend in our part of the office of using excercise balls instead of chairs for part of the day. This allows us to bounce on the ball during ridiculous phone calls that use to make me kick the filing cabinet when I was done. Now I just bounce. Very good for the stress level....but I'm not so sure it will be good for klutziness as I tend to do silly things like in this picture.

Who wants to bet how long it will take until I eat it - hard?